Preservation Guidelines

Cornell University's Clarence Stein Institute has awarded several fellowships in order to support the Garden cities in preserving their National Historic Landmark designation. This includes planning for increased disasters and climate change.

diamondPreservation Framework for Landmark Garden Cities (2008 to 2010)
__ Checklist sumarizing best preseervation practices of five leading National Landmarks in Los Angeles County. Transcripts of interviews with site managers.
__Research paper on the philosophical foundation for the Garden city movement and a case study of Baldwin Hills Village's early preservation efforts (Institute archives).
Faculty adviser: Michael Tomlan

diamondDisaster Planning for the Landmark Garden cities (2010 to 2012)
__Checklist of disaster preparation activities. Follows FEMA's guidelines and
National Park Service's Secretary of Interior Standards.
__ Interviews with federal officials from the National Park Service and FEMA.
__Survey of the literature with case studies (Institute archives)
__Enviromental Assessments of four Landmark Garden cities (Institute archives)
Faculty adviser: Michael Tomlan

diamond HABS/HALS/CRGIS for the Landmark Garden cities (2015 to 2017)
First step in implementing the National Park Service's documentation programs to
facilitate disaster/climate change planning for the Landmark Garden cities.
___Additional interviews and revisions with National Park Service and FEMA.
___Summary of findings (Institute archives).
Faculty adviser: Stephan Schmidt

diamondImplementing HABS/HALS/CRGIS for the Garden cities (2018 to 2020)
__Work in progress with Greenbelt, Maryland; Sunnyside Gardens Historic District; and Chatham Village.
__Ongoing assistance provided by National Park Service.
__Field work in New Orleans. Working with in its efforts to document the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina (2005) and preserve its network of historic levees.
Faculty adviser: Jeffrey Chusid



Updated on January 2019